Peer Review

Reports FAQ Fraud Hotline Peer Review

Peer Review

The Office of the Independent Audit General (OIAG) conducts all audits in accordance with generally accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS), issued by the Comptroller General of the United States.

To provide assurance that the OIAG has been operating at a high professional level and conducting audits in accordance with GAGAS, the OIAG has periodic external peer reviews conducted by the Association of Local Government Auditors (ALGA), a national organization committed to improving the quality of auditing in local governments.

ALGA operates a peer review program, which consists of an onsite visit by members of a peer review team tasked with the responsibility of determining whether, during the period under review, the audit organization's internal quality control system was adequate and whether said quality control system was being complied with to provide reasonable assurance of conforming with Government Auditing Standards.

See the result of Peer Review 2018(PDF, 322KB)